Doors open for “Slumdog” Kids

  • IndiaGlitz, [Monday,March 16 2009]

If you thought that the showbiz time for the kid actors of ‘Slumdog Millionaire’ is over think again. After being at the Oscar awards function and visiting the Disney Land, it is time now for Azhar and Rubina, the child artistes of the ‘Slumdog Millionaire’ to take center stage once again.

This time Azhar and Rubina have been roped in to walk the ramp for designers Ashima and Leena Singh. The event is the “Wills Lifestyle India Fashion Week” which will take place on March 19. The designing duo have decided on the attires that the kids will be wearing for the hugely-covered event.

Ashima has disclosed that Azhar will most probably be showcasing a Sherwani with black and red hues and Rubina will be seen in a gypsy costume with bright colours. The designers are of the opinion that it was the strange irony of the kids still living in the slums even after getting world-wide popularity that prompted them to select these children.

Things do not stop at that for Azhar and Rubina. After the event, the kids will be also presented with additional costumes for their personal use.

The designers have also planned to start a foundation for the betterment of several underprivileged kids that will be tentatively called as the “Jai Ho Foundation”. Azhar and Rubina will be flown to Delhi along with their parents for the grand fashion show.

It took a guy from the West to come down to Dharvi and do a film that won world wide acclaim. It feels good that people in India too have decided to do something for the kids.